Hi everybody, this will be the 1st step out of the 9 steps in “Becoming a pro”.
Step 1- Understanding the concept of Dota…
1) Dota is a 5v5 game, not a 5v1 game.
It is a game which requires cooperation, team strategies and skill. Skill is the only thing one need to master while cooperation and team strategies are dependent on the whole team. Every single player is important, no matter whether he is pro or noob. 5 pros who solo all the time can’t win 5 noobs who work well together… Dota is a team game! So next time you got a noob on your team, don’t grumble, he is important as well!
2) Aim of Dota: Down the Tree of life or Frozen Throne.
As far I I can see, inhouse game always drag till very late as most of them do not understand the aim of Dota. Most of them will rax a lane and b, go roshan or go farm. That’s why inhouse games always drag till the 1 hour mark… Raxing a lane doesn’t mean victory, downing the tree or throne is the real step to victory. Inhouse Drag Drag Drag… That is why all the agi hero own like shit! That is why intel heroes always get own as the game drag for too long. Standard competitive game are 40- 45 mins while inhouse are 55- 60 minutes. Most competitive games have 3 or more intel hero with only 1 or 2 agi heroes, as all the games are short and intel heroes and the crucial players to win the game. During ganks, they are the most important players. Once you got the chance, end it!
3) Gank = No heroes left to Defend = Push
Inhouse games always drag because after the team finish ganking, clearing most of the team, they b. Ganking and killing means lesser hero defend that is when the team should push. Aim is to push and win! Rmb.
4) Killing is not everything…
I saw games where the score was 11-32 and the team with the lower score still wins as killing is not equal to winning. Pushing more and killing less is totally acceptable. Rmb the aim! Press the opponent hard, keep them defending the lanes which will cause them to have lesser time to plan a gank. So pushing is even more important than ganking at times...
5) Inhouse* Agi heroes are not everything!
As long as the whole team play with the right aim, the game should end before 40 minutes. 0-40 minutes, intel heroes are important! Only when the game drags then agi heroes will own. Although they are fragile and easy to feed on, intel heroes are most crucial in ganks and thus leading the team win! They are the most important heroes in order to win a game at a competitive level!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tangoes or Healing Salve Early game?
Much debate on this two healing items during the start of the game, let me do an anlaysis on this two items?
Advantages of Tangoes-
1) It chops down a tree which may help in the Fog of War as you are using the fog to your advantage, you may need to chop down trees to create a route.
2) Has 3 charges meaning that you can keep your hp bar full unlike healing salve as healing salve require you to lose 400hp before you use it or it is a waste. Keep Hp bar full will mak you look harder to gank...
3) It is cheaper by 10 bucks. 10 Bucks= 10 seconds more at base which may cose you to lose 1-2 last hit which results in 100 gold?
4) when being chased, healing salve cant save u cose it can be dispell while tangoes do not!
Advantages of healing salve-
1) Regen much faster than tangoes over a period of time.
2) Regen a total of more Hp 400= 115x3(345)
3) Looks more troublesome to gank cose can hum tower than come back full health...
The decision is yours!
Advantages of Tangoes-
1) It chops down a tree which may help in the Fog of War as you are using the fog to your advantage, you may need to chop down trees to create a route.
2) Has 3 charges meaning that you can keep your hp bar full unlike healing salve as healing salve require you to lose 400hp before you use it or it is a waste. Keep Hp bar full will mak you look harder to gank...
3) It is cheaper by 10 bucks. 10 Bucks= 10 seconds more at base which may cose you to lose 1-2 last hit which results in 100 gold?
4) when being chased, healing salve cant save u cose it can be dispell while tangoes do not!
Advantages of healing salve-
1) Regen much faster than tangoes over a period of time.
2) Regen a total of more Hp 400= 115x3(345)
3) Looks more troublesome to gank cose can hum tower than come back full health...
The decision is yours!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Axe Dota Guide...
Writer’s Foreword, Darrell -
I wrote EVERYTHING else by myself. Plus, no pictures or screenshot unless somebody can help me with it…
Well, I decided to write on Axe as Axe has always been one of my favourite hero! Although I know that I’m still a noob but I just hope to reach out to a larger pool of people of my special build for him. Axe is a friendly hero and his skills just require a bit of practice and LUCK. Enjoy…
Axe’s Skills
Mogul Kahn - The Axe Range: 100 Move Speed: 290 Primary: STR
Str: 25 + 2.5
Agi: 20 + 2.2
Int: 14 + 1.6
Damage: 49 - 53
HP: 625 Mana: 182
HP Regen: 1
Mana Regen: 0.57
Attack Speed: 1.36 (+ 20% IAS)
Armor: 2
Berserker’s Call (E)Mogul Khan focuses all of his enemy’s hatred on him, causing them to attack him at all costs.300 AOE.
Level 1 - Lasts 1.5 seconds, 5 bonus armor.
Level 2 - Lasts 2 seconds, 10 bonus armor.
Level 3 - Lasts 2.5 seconds, 15 bonus armor.
Level 4 - Lasts 3 seconds, 20 bonus armor.
Mana Cost: 80/ 90/ 100/ 110 Cooldown: 15
Coments: This is the crucial skill that determines a good or bad Axe player. Takes time to master and much easier to use with stunners or blink dagger. This is yr only disable Max this skill asap...
Battle Hunger (R) Afflicts a target with a terrible killing hunger. The target will take damage per second until it kills a unit.
Level 1 - 15 damage/second, lasts 10 seconds.
Level 2 - 17 damage/second, lasts 13 seconds.
Level 3 - 25 damage/second, lasts 16 seconds.
Level 4 - 33 damage/second, lasts 19 seconds.
Mana Cost: 75/85/95/105 Cooldown: 25/20/15/10
Comments: I got three build, two for ppl that pump hunger and another one is for jungler, for ppl who don't pump hunger. Its up to you actually.
Counter Helix (X) Mogul Kahn counters some blows made to him by taking the attacking unit and swinging it around violently, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units.17% chance to counter throughout all levels.
Level 1: 100 damage.
Level 2: 125 damage.
Level 3: 150 damage.
Level 4: 175 damage
Mana Cost: N/ACooldown: N/A
Comments: His main source of dmg comes from here. Many thing that helix will lose efficiency late game but I think that the damage output for a passive skill is huge! This is the skill which make Axe Axe.
Culling Blade (C) Purges the weak from Mogul Kahn’s sight. Deals moderate damage, but will kill a target that is low on life.
Level 1 - Deals 150 damage, will kill if target is below 300.
Level 2 - Deals 250 damage, will kill if target is below 450.
Level 3 - Deals 300 damage, will kill if target is below 625.
Mana Cost: 120/ 140/ 160 Cooldown: 75/65/55
Comments: Yea, this skill rocks to the core. It finishes off your enemy no matter WHAT. I have yet to find out that it can’t pass through something. It can pass through invulnerable, magic immune and more.
PROS: Good early to mid game hero.
Counter helix is simply awesome against melee heroes.
Do not need much item to own.
Easy to learn.
Slow ms.
Low attack speed.
Low mana pool.
Tend to lose efficency late game.
LOTS of counter.
Low amor
Low Str gain
Useless late game.
No more hearts to tank...
Skill build:
1 - Counter Helix
2 – Berserker’s Call
3 - Berserker’s Call
4 - Counter Helix
5 - Berserker’s Call
6 - Culling Blade
7 – Berserker’s Call
8 - Counter Helix
9 – Counter Helix
10 - Battle Hunger
11 - Culling Blade
12 - Battle Hunger
13 - Battle Hunger
14 – Battle Hunger
15 - Attribute Bonus
16 - Culling Blade
17-25- Stats
Reason – Build for ppl that pump hunger. Call is maxed 1st b’cose it is the only way to trigger more helix. Helix is max next for the dmg. The reason for pumping hunger is simple. Paper hero can’t take the heat. They will try to last hit successfully as they are rushing and that’s when you call and kill them. The hunger has a psychological effect on opponents thus they will MOST likely miss last hit as they are rushing it.(Not sure for pro thou). Make good use of it. More on the spamming hunger ltr (mana problem). Hunger can also grab you a few kills by casting it on red hp hero who are running away...
Jungle Skill Build
1 - Counter Helix
2 - Attribute Bonus
3 - Counter Helix
4 - Attribute Bonus
5 - Counter Helix
6 - Culling Blade
7 - Berserker’s Call
8 - Counter Helix
9 - Berserker’s Call
10 - Berserker’s Call
11 - Culling Blade
12 - Berserker’s Call
13 – Attribute Bonus
14 - Attribute Bonus
15 - Attribute Bonus
16 - Culling Blade
17-21-Attribute Bonus
22-25Battle Hunger
Reason – Axe is the only few heroes that can jungle since lvl 1. Counter helix and stats are the way to go for junglers. Get call at lvl 7 so u can gank ,counter helix and stats are got first because you wont need call while jungling, stats will help you more as they cover your HP. Since you delay your Hunger by pumping stats then no point pumping it in late game cose it is a useless then, continue with stats. I do not recommend jungle as Axe shines best during early mid game. Jungling will be a waste. Do not jungle useless your lane has a Drow and Huskar.
Killer Axe skill build
1 - Counter Helix
2 - Berserker’s Call
3 - Berserker’s Call
4 - Counter Helix
5 - Berserker’s Call
6 - Culling Blade
7 - Berserker’s Call
8 - Counter Helix
9 - Counter Helix
10 - Battle Hunger
11 - Culling Blade
12 - Battle Hunger
13 – Battle Hunger
14 - Battle Hunger
15 - Attribute Bonus
16 - Culling Blade
17-21-Attribute Bonus
22-25- Attribute Bonus
Reason: My favourite build. This build is meant for killer axe who are super offensive. Call to kill, with hunger to back you up. Almost the same with the 1st one.
Core Items
1) Vanguard - Rush this item its a must on Axe. This item is like its made for AXE. Regen, block and Hp .Axe would really need this item for tanking. 1 will do, 2 don’t stack.
2) Boots- Ya, just leave it as boots of speed, may wanna upgrade to BOT later but I think that the $ can be better spend. BOT for map mobility!
3) 2 bracers- Make your teeth nicer... Lol, give you cheap Hp and stats.
4)Dagger- Cheap, you need it postion yourself to call, your only escaping device and it rocks=)Damn cool.
For the normal hunger build- Bloodstone- WTF, WTH, Noob, no matter what you think about this item I hope you keep it with yourself and decide later. The reason for it is simple: Gives you max Hp, More Mp(For spamming, btw hunger is spammable), regen for hp and mp. Your ulti suits this item well. This is my core item! Plus, it is easy to form… Comes in 5 parts.
Gunisoo- MP, Mp regen and hex!!! Gonna after bloodstone or dagon.
Blademail- Works well with your call. (Alot of Dpser only)
Shiva Guard- The game drags too long le. This item gives amor and slow.
Hoods of Defiance- If there are a lot of nukers, this item is good.
Tps- IMPT! You are a good defender and ganker=)
*Jungling helps to get your build faster but you will not get that much kills.
Items to avoid
Lifesteals are a NO NO.
Bfury- Special mention. It kill all the creeps so faster that you there will be no creeps left for you to spin.
Lothars- Dagger is superior.
Dagon- Useless item with axe.
Early Game - Get a stout shield and 1 healing salve and tangoes. Choose top if senti and down if scourge,use the Charge! technique to harass your enemy if they are meelee. Farm for your vanguard while harassing your enemy(you can farm it while harassing because of counter helix).Buy ring of health first then vitality booster to complete vanguard. Try to kill. Harass with Helix. Meelee heroes are your favourite=) Jungle if u can't farm.
Middle Game - Dagger should be up and farming for bloodstone already. Keep ganking and pushing. Early-Mid is when you shine most but pls do not be to aggressive and ambitious, kills you instead.
Late Game - Focus on pushing/defending/ gank, during gank fight you should be to first 1 to enter as you are the one who is suppose to initial. Dying for your team is ok. Always aim for a final push to end the game Like all mid and end...
Jungling could be a good choice for Axe.Your starting items are the same though except tat you should carry flask instead. Only take on the easier creeps, not the centaurs or the anciets. Pull creeps whenever possible. Just keep killing neutrals and gank whenever you are needed with the team, but i suggest to go to a lane because it would really help your allies.Your not only a tank but also early/mid game killer.
BC - Use blink dagger and simply use call,but pls try to catch as many people as possible in the call so your allies can pawn on them. Blink Call(BC)
Charge! - A common technique, yet your main harassing skill.Simply target the enemy hero and the creeps should be attacking you and you’ll keep spinning around with your enemy. Do not hit him as you will not be able to catch up later. You want the opponent to be around your Helix AOE.
You never know...- Lure the opponent when you are red life and when they think that they can kill you.. Call, kill them instead=) Thou a bit risky.
Good Allies and Bad Enemies
Good Allies: All stunners.Why? Stunners give you time to position yourself to make a call.
Dark Seer: His vacuum works well with your call.(make him use vacuum to your enemies and bring them near to you).
Sandking- He uses stun then he uses epicenter but when he starts channeling for his epicenter you blink in and call and bye bye to your enemy!
Yunero-This could be a good combination. Use your call then let Yurnero uses blade fury. The brothers spinning together.
Tormented Soul- He stun you go in and call. Then he pulse nova, GG.
Bad Enemies
Necrolyte- His ulti can rip you to apart, even if you still have 2k Hp..
Ursa Warrior- I hate this stupid teddy bear,he could kill you even if you have a heart and a vanguard.
Ni'ax- 7%. wow. finish calling and spinning his hp still full. Cull him, he use his ulti. come out full hp wtf. Blademail to counter him and ursa.
Drow Ranger- She freaking hell slow you till u cant call. U rush to her she slience u, then u get rape.
Any Tanker, Slower or stunner. That's what I mean by ALOT of counter...
Ok thats all I got. Hope you find it useful. My very 1st guide so pls be forgiving. Tried my best le. Nites.
I wrote EVERYTHING else by myself. Plus, no pictures or screenshot unless somebody can help me with it…
Well, I decided to write on Axe as Axe has always been one of my favourite hero! Although I know that I’m still a noob but I just hope to reach out to a larger pool of people of my special build for him. Axe is a friendly hero and his skills just require a bit of practice and LUCK. Enjoy…
Axe’s Skills
Mogul Kahn - The Axe Range: 100 Move Speed: 290 Primary: STR
Str: 25 + 2.5
Agi: 20 + 2.2
Int: 14 + 1.6
Damage: 49 - 53
HP: 625 Mana: 182
HP Regen: 1
Mana Regen: 0.57
Attack Speed: 1.36 (+ 20% IAS)
Armor: 2
Berserker’s Call (E)Mogul Khan focuses all of his enemy’s hatred on him, causing them to attack him at all costs.300 AOE.
Level 1 - Lasts 1.5 seconds, 5 bonus armor.
Level 2 - Lasts 2 seconds, 10 bonus armor.
Level 3 - Lasts 2.5 seconds, 15 bonus armor.
Level 4 - Lasts 3 seconds, 20 bonus armor.
Mana Cost: 80/ 90/ 100/ 110 Cooldown: 15
Coments: This is the crucial skill that determines a good or bad Axe player. Takes time to master and much easier to use with stunners or blink dagger. This is yr only disable Max this skill asap...
Battle Hunger (R) Afflicts a target with a terrible killing hunger. The target will take damage per second until it kills a unit.
Level 1 - 15 damage/second, lasts 10 seconds.
Level 2 - 17 damage/second, lasts 13 seconds.
Level 3 - 25 damage/second, lasts 16 seconds.
Level 4 - 33 damage/second, lasts 19 seconds.
Mana Cost: 75/85/95/105 Cooldown: 25/20/15/10
Comments: I got three build, two for ppl that pump hunger and another one is for jungler, for ppl who don't pump hunger. Its up to you actually.
Counter Helix (X) Mogul Kahn counters some blows made to him by taking the attacking unit and swinging it around violently, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units.17% chance to counter throughout all levels.
Level 1: 100 damage.
Level 2: 125 damage.
Level 3: 150 damage.
Level 4: 175 damage
Mana Cost: N/ACooldown: N/A
Comments: His main source of dmg comes from here. Many thing that helix will lose efficiency late game but I think that the damage output for a passive skill is huge! This is the skill which make Axe Axe.
Culling Blade (C) Purges the weak from Mogul Kahn’s sight. Deals moderate damage, but will kill a target that is low on life.
Level 1 - Deals 150 damage, will kill if target is below 300.
Level 2 - Deals 250 damage, will kill if target is below 450.
Level 3 - Deals 300 damage, will kill if target is below 625.
Mana Cost: 120/ 140/ 160 Cooldown: 75/65/55
Comments: Yea, this skill rocks to the core. It finishes off your enemy no matter WHAT. I have yet to find out that it can’t pass through something. It can pass through invulnerable, magic immune and more.
PROS: Good early to mid game hero.
Counter helix is simply awesome against melee heroes.
Do not need much item to own.
Easy to learn.
Slow ms.
Low attack speed.
Low mana pool.
Tend to lose efficency late game.
LOTS of counter.
Low amor
Low Str gain
Useless late game.
No more hearts to tank...
Skill build:
1 - Counter Helix
2 – Berserker’s Call
3 - Berserker’s Call
4 - Counter Helix
5 - Berserker’s Call
6 - Culling Blade
7 – Berserker’s Call
8 - Counter Helix
9 – Counter Helix
10 - Battle Hunger
11 - Culling Blade
12 - Battle Hunger
13 - Battle Hunger
14 – Battle Hunger
15 - Attribute Bonus
16 - Culling Blade
17-25- Stats
Reason – Build for ppl that pump hunger. Call is maxed 1st b’cose it is the only way to trigger more helix. Helix is max next for the dmg. The reason for pumping hunger is simple. Paper hero can’t take the heat. They will try to last hit successfully as they are rushing and that’s when you call and kill them. The hunger has a psychological effect on opponents thus they will MOST likely miss last hit as they are rushing it.(Not sure for pro thou). Make good use of it. More on the spamming hunger ltr (mana problem). Hunger can also grab you a few kills by casting it on red hp hero who are running away...
Jungle Skill Build
1 - Counter Helix
2 - Attribute Bonus
3 - Counter Helix
4 - Attribute Bonus
5 - Counter Helix
6 - Culling Blade
7 - Berserker’s Call
8 - Counter Helix
9 - Berserker’s Call
10 - Berserker’s Call
11 - Culling Blade
12 - Berserker’s Call
13 – Attribute Bonus
14 - Attribute Bonus
15 - Attribute Bonus
16 - Culling Blade
17-21-Attribute Bonus
22-25Battle Hunger
Reason – Axe is the only few heroes that can jungle since lvl 1. Counter helix and stats are the way to go for junglers. Get call at lvl 7 so u can gank ,counter helix and stats are got first because you wont need call while jungling, stats will help you more as they cover your HP. Since you delay your Hunger by pumping stats then no point pumping it in late game cose it is a useless then, continue with stats. I do not recommend jungle as Axe shines best during early mid game. Jungling will be a waste. Do not jungle useless your lane has a Drow and Huskar.
Killer Axe skill build
1 - Counter Helix
2 - Berserker’s Call
3 - Berserker’s Call
4 - Counter Helix
5 - Berserker’s Call
6 - Culling Blade
7 - Berserker’s Call
8 - Counter Helix
9 - Counter Helix
10 - Battle Hunger
11 - Culling Blade
12 - Battle Hunger
13 – Battle Hunger
14 - Battle Hunger
15 - Attribute Bonus
16 - Culling Blade
17-21-Attribute Bonus
22-25- Attribute Bonus
Reason: My favourite build. This build is meant for killer axe who are super offensive. Call to kill, with hunger to back you up. Almost the same with the 1st one.
Core Items
1) Vanguard - Rush this item its a must on Axe. This item is like its made for AXE. Regen, block and Hp .Axe would really need this item for tanking. 1 will do, 2 don’t stack.
2) Boots- Ya, just leave it as boots of speed, may wanna upgrade to BOT later but I think that the $ can be better spend. BOT for map mobility!
3) 2 bracers- Make your teeth nicer... Lol, give you cheap Hp and stats.
4)Dagger- Cheap, you need it postion yourself to call, your only escaping device and it rocks=)Damn cool.
For the normal hunger build- Bloodstone- WTF, WTH, Noob, no matter what you think about this item I hope you keep it with yourself and decide later. The reason for it is simple: Gives you max Hp, More Mp(For spamming, btw hunger is spammable), regen for hp and mp. Your ulti suits this item well. This is my core item! Plus, it is easy to form… Comes in 5 parts.
Gunisoo- MP, Mp regen and hex!!! Gonna after bloodstone or dagon.
Blademail- Works well with your call. (Alot of Dpser only)
Shiva Guard- The game drags too long le. This item gives amor and slow.
Hoods of Defiance- If there are a lot of nukers, this item is good.
Tps- IMPT! You are a good defender and ganker=)
*Jungling helps to get your build faster but you will not get that much kills.
Items to avoid
Lifesteals are a NO NO.
Bfury- Special mention. It kill all the creeps so faster that you there will be no creeps left for you to spin.
Lothars- Dagger is superior.
Dagon- Useless item with axe.
Early Game - Get a stout shield and 1 healing salve and tangoes. Choose top if senti and down if scourge,use the Charge! technique to harass your enemy if they are meelee. Farm for your vanguard while harassing your enemy(you can farm it while harassing because of counter helix).Buy ring of health first then vitality booster to complete vanguard. Try to kill. Harass with Helix. Meelee heroes are your favourite=) Jungle if u can't farm.
Middle Game - Dagger should be up and farming for bloodstone already. Keep ganking and pushing. Early-Mid is when you shine most but pls do not be to aggressive and ambitious, kills you instead.
Late Game - Focus on pushing/defending/ gank, during gank fight you should be to first 1 to enter as you are the one who is suppose to initial. Dying for your team is ok. Always aim for a final push to end the game Like all mid and end...
Jungling could be a good choice for Axe.Your starting items are the same though except tat you should carry flask instead. Only take on the easier creeps, not the centaurs or the anciets. Pull creeps whenever possible. Just keep killing neutrals and gank whenever you are needed with the team, but i suggest to go to a lane because it would really help your allies.Your not only a tank but also early/mid game killer.
BC - Use blink dagger and simply use call,but pls try to catch as many people as possible in the call so your allies can pawn on them. Blink Call(BC)
Charge! - A common technique, yet your main harassing skill.Simply target the enemy hero and the creeps should be attacking you and you’ll keep spinning around with your enemy. Do not hit him as you will not be able to catch up later. You want the opponent to be around your Helix AOE.
You never know...- Lure the opponent when you are red life and when they think that they can kill you.. Call, kill them instead=) Thou a bit risky.
Good Allies and Bad Enemies
Good Allies: All stunners.Why? Stunners give you time to position yourself to make a call.
Dark Seer: His vacuum works well with your call.(make him use vacuum to your enemies and bring them near to you).
Sandking- He uses stun then he uses epicenter but when he starts channeling for his epicenter you blink in and call and bye bye to your enemy!
Yunero-This could be a good combination. Use your call then let Yurnero uses blade fury. The brothers spinning together.
Tormented Soul- He stun you go in and call. Then he pulse nova, GG.
Bad Enemies
Necrolyte- His ulti can rip you to apart, even if you still have 2k Hp..
Ursa Warrior- I hate this stupid teddy bear,he could kill you even if you have a heart and a vanguard.
Ni'ax- 7%. wow. finish calling and spinning his hp still full. Cull him, he use his ulti. come out full hp wtf. Blademail to counter him and ursa.
Drow Ranger- She freaking hell slow you till u cant call. U rush to her she slience u, then u get rape.
Any Tanker, Slower or stunner. That's what I mean by ALOT of counter...
Ok thats all I got. Hope you find it useful. My very 1st guide so pls be forgiving. Tried my best le. Nites.
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