Thursday, October 22, 2009

Step 1- Understanding the concept of Dota

Hi everybody, this will be the 1st step out of the 9 steps in “Becoming a pro”.

Step 1- Understanding the concept of Dota…

1) Dota is a 5v5 game, not a 5v1 game.

It is a game which requires cooperation, team strategies and skill. Skill is the only thing one need to master while cooperation and team strategies are dependent on the whole team. Every single player is important, no matter whether he is pro or noob. 5 pros who solo all the time can’t win 5 noobs who work well together… Dota is a team game! So next time you got a noob on your team, don’t grumble, he is important as well!

2) Aim of Dota: Down the Tree of life or Frozen Throne.

As far I I can see, inhouse game always drag till very late as most of them do not understand the aim of Dota. Most of them will rax a lane and b, go roshan or go farm. That’s why inhouse games always drag till the 1 hour mark… Raxing a lane doesn’t mean victory, downing the tree or throne is the real step to victory. Inhouse Drag Drag Drag… That is why all the agi hero own like shit! That is why intel heroes always get own as the game drag for too long. Standard competitive game are 40- 45 mins while inhouse are 55- 60 minutes. Most competitive games have 3 or more intel hero with only 1 or 2 agi heroes, as all the games are short and intel heroes and the crucial players to win the game. During ganks, they are the most important players. Once you got the chance, end it!

3) Gank = No heroes left to Defend = Push

Inhouse games always drag because after the team finish ganking, clearing most of the team, they b. Ganking and killing means lesser hero defend that is when the team should push. Aim is to push and win! Rmb.

4) Killing is not everything…

I saw games where the score was 11-32 and the team with the lower score still wins as killing is not equal to winning. Pushing more and killing less is totally acceptable. Rmb the aim! Press the opponent hard, keep them defending the lanes which will cause them to have lesser time to plan a gank. So pushing is even more important than ganking at times...

5) Inhouse* Agi heroes are not everything!

As long as the whole team play with the right aim, the game should end before 40 minutes. 0-40 minutes, intel heroes are important! Only when the game drags then agi heroes will own. Although they are fragile and easy to feed on, intel heroes are most crucial in ganks and thus leading the team win! They are the most important heroes in order to win a game at a competitive level!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tangoes or Healing Salve Early game?

Much debate on this two healing items during the start of the game, let me do an anlaysis on this two items?

Advantages of Tangoes-

1) It chops down a tree which may help in the Fog of War as you are using the fog to your advantage, you may need to chop down trees to create a route.

2) Has 3 charges meaning that you can keep your hp bar full unlike healing salve as healing salve require you to lose 400hp before you use it or it is a waste. Keep Hp bar full will mak you look harder to gank...

3) It is cheaper by 10 bucks. 10 Bucks= 10 seconds more at base which may cose you to lose 1-2 last hit which results in 100 gold?

4) when being chased, healing salve cant save u cose it can be dispell while tangoes do not!

Advantages of healing salve-

1) Regen much faster than tangoes over a period of time.

2) Regen a total of more Hp 400= 115x3(345)

3) Looks more troublesome to gank cose can hum tower than come back full health...

The decision is yours!